Many people experience difficulties in maintaining healthy sexual relationships. Changes in sexual functioning, medical illnesses, marital concerns, financial difficulties, and mental health challenges can all significantly affect an individual's sexual functioning. Individuals may struggle with managing many common emotions or feelings, such as loneliness, embarrassment, or guilt. Left untreated, some individuals may find themselves experiencing additional mental health concerns: depression and anxiety. The key is to understand the importance of how to construct a healthy sexual relationship in your life. The good news is that we don't have to live quietly with these feelings. Allowing ourselves to explore more intimate areas of our lives can potentially unlock doors that greatly enhance our sexual being. By participating in sex therapy, individuals can gain the skills necessary to create an environment for fulfilling and intimate relationships.
Affinity Sex Therapy's mission is patient focused. This means that Dr. Nederostek will work closely with individuals and couples to educate and promote an environment rooted in sexual health. This includes enhancing sexual self-esteem, competence, and knowledge, all conducted within a spectrum of self-awareness and respect. His approach to individual, group, and couples sex therapy is rooted in empirically validated research. This refers to psychological research that has used experimentation or observation.
The topic of sexuality and sexual health can be difficult to discuss with your health care professional. However, choosing not to address your sexual concerns can have far greater negative impacts on your mood, relationship(s), and quality of life. Dr. Nederostek is sensitive to the needs of his patients, utilizing a triad of flexibility, partnership, and empathy in his therapeutic approach.
Change can sometimes be scary. There might be a variety of emotional experiences that accompany you in your therapeutic journey. Learning how to identify and effectively manage your psychological well-being is optimal for your healthiest sexual functioning.
Change can also be difficult. Participating in individual, group, or couples' sex therapy can create an environment for personal growth. This growth can be used as a springboard towards creating new sexual journeys in your life.
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